Back to work: getting back into a working routine


The end of summer brings a shift back to daily routines. As children return to school and work schedules pick up, it can be a challenge to adjust from the laid-back pace of the holidays. Whether you've spent the summer travelling, entertaining kids, or simply enjoying the warm weather, getting back into a work mindset requires a bit of preparation and a positive approach. 

Getting back into a working routine after a career break or prolonged time off can have a similar effect with many struggling with fatigue and motivation when returning to work. This blog offers practical advice to help you ease back into your routine, maintain motivation, and stay productive as we head into autumn.

Practical tips for getting back into a work routine

Your Morning Routine
Start small! Jumping straight into early mornings can be tough after a more relaxed schedule. Begin by gradually setting your alarm earlier in the days leading up to your return to work. This helps your body adjust, making it easier to wake up on time when you need to.

Start positive! Give yourself something to look forward to each morning as you create your new routine; your favourite coffee or breakfast, your most confident outfits, or simply taking a moment and doing something that helps you wake up such as yoga or reading. 

Your Workspace
Get organised! A cluttered desk can make the transition back to work more stressful. Take some time to tidy up your workspace, whether it's at home, at your office or work station or your work vehicle. Clearing out the old and making room for the new can give you a fresh start, making it easier to focus.

Your Week
Plan ahead! Preparing a schedule for your week ahead can help ease the anxiety of diving back into work. Use Sunday evenings to plan out your tasks, meetings, and any personal commitments. This not only organises your time but also sets clear goals for the week and helps secure a work life balance from the offset. 

Small wins! When writing out your to do list for the week, try to incorporate some easily achievable goals for each day, ideally in the morning or start of your shift. Quick wins will give you motivation and get you into a working mindset. 

Your Well-Being
Have a break! Getting back into work mode can be mentally exhausting. To maintain productivity, include short breaks throughout your day. These pauses allow you to recharge and keep your focus sharp, preventing burnout as you adjust to your routine.

Stay balanced! It's easy to overlook self-care when work demands ramp up, but staying healthy is crucial. Whether it's a morning jog, a yoga session, or simply a walk during lunch, keep physical activity in your routine. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep are also key to staying energised.

Your Colleagues
Have a chat! After time away, reconnecting with colleagues can boost morale and ease the transition. A quick catch-up with your team can remind you of the collaborative spirit at work, making your return feel less daunting.

Join in! If you’re returning to work after a career break and joining a new team, meeting new colleagues and building new connections can be especially daunting. Take advantage of any amenities or programmes your new workplace has for meeting colleagues organically, such as the communal staff room or any work social gatherings. 

Your Expectations
Take it slow! It's tempting to dive back in and try to do everything at once. However, setting realistic goals for your first week back can prevent overwhelm. Focus on completing a few key tasks each day and allow yourself to gradually pick up the pace.

Don’t rush! Whether you’re returning from a busy summer away or coming back to work after a break, there’s no rush to be perfect at the job you are doing. Ask questions about your new job and any expectations, and take the time to re-familiarise yourself with any changes in your workplace

Returning to work after a break doesn't have to be a struggle. By easing into your routine with small, practical steps, you can maintain your motivation and productivity without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, it's about finding a balance that works for you—staying organised, taking care of your well-being, and staying positive. As the seasons change, so can your approach to work, making the transition a little smoother each year.